Are You Worthy?
Most women, in fact, a huge 97% of women* answer this question with a resounding “No!”

Now, while you probably aren’t running up and down the streets of your hometown telling people that you think negatively about yourself, you’re probably still saying some pretty negative, nasty things to yourself in the shower, getting dressed, driving to work, walking up the stairs…well, you get the picture.

Is It True?
So, let’s look at this from a different perspective. If you were to look around you at all of the women that you come across, would you say that 97% of them aren’t worthy of effort, of success, of greatness?

How about this perspective: Think about a classroom of 8 year olds…what percentage of them are worthy?

Hope Is Not Lost!
The older you get, the harsher your thoughts become of yourself which makes it even harder to change. But that doesn’t mean that you’re stuck here.

Think of it this way: You are simply a child that has grown. However, there is the essence of that child, that younger you waiting for you to extend effort. She is worthy – think about her with her dreams and her hope of something different. I bet if you asked her, she would say that she believes you are worthy of every bit of greatness that you can wrap your arms around. And she would smile when it happened.

You are worthy of your own best effort…you simply have to start. Now, that’s some powerful thinking!

*Shaun Dreisbach, “Shocking Body-Image News: 97% of Women Will Be Cruel to Their Bodies Today,” Glamour (February 2011)

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