“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon

I LOVE this quote!

How many times have you not done something because of fear only to resent the decision afterward? I can ask because I’ve done it myself. Fear can be overwhelming and in some cases, it can overtake our sensibilities.

Don’t get me wrong. We’ve been given fear for a reason. Fear can protect us from harm, bad decisions and danger.

However, the danger with fear is allowing it to control your destiny. Take a look at your life. What fear is holding you back from achieving everything you’re meant to achieve?

For me, fear seemed to be a way of life for years. Then, similar to the quote, I decided that living my life was more important than living my fears. I went through years of therapy and forced myself into fearful, yet safe situations.

For example, I had always wanted to learn how to scuba dive, but I was afraid of the water. So, 16 years ago when I moved to San Diego, I got my swimsuit on, grabbed my snorkel gear and headed down to the water. While practically hyperventilating, I would swim out past the breakwater and dive under the water. Eventually, the fear subsided and I got certified as a scuba diver!

Since then, I got married to an amazing man, had two beautiful children, started my own business, became a national speaker, interviewed women across the nation, wrote a book and now host a radio talk show. By facing my fears, I could finally live my life!

I still have one final fear that I am in the process of conquering. The fear of losing weight. I’ve hired a weight and fitness coach to help me to move past this fear…to help me to think differently and also keep me accountable. This fear, which used to be valuable as a self-preservation tool, no longer has value for me and yet I keep finding ways to give it power…keeping me from what I would like to see in my life. I know that I’m a different person and I need to love myself enough to express it in all areas of my life.

What about you? What fear is holding you back?

Let go and be!


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