If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?

Wow. A fully lived life. Before you even answer that question, you may need to figure out what “fully live” means to you. If you can’t answer this question right away, take some time to spend with yourself and listen to yourself.

For me, the best place for me to self-reflect is in nature: walking in the woods, looking at clouds, smelling fresh cut grass…believe it or not, the smell from a barn. All of these put my mind and body at peace so I can spend some time reflecting on what’s going on inside of me. Where do you need to go to let yourself be?

This can be a difficult first step if you’re not used to self-reflection.

But, go ahead, put the mirror up…we can’t change until we’re willing to take a good, long look. The goal is to like what you see – no, to LOVE what you see!

Be bound and determined to let go and be!


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