What areas of your life could be upgraded or tweaked?

This can be a difficult question. Especially if you’re a woman, as we’re not conditioned to think of how to make our lives better. If you’ve had trauma in your life, this is an even stronger characteristic. And, once you’re not in the trauma anymore, you don’t want to disrupt anything because subconsciously you want to protect yourself against anything that might possibly turn your life into a negative direction.

However, you have to remember that you are a survivor. No, in fact, you are a VICTOR!!! You are powerful and in many cases stronger than the people around you…you have to find and accept that in your life. You have greatness within you, but you can’t find it, express it and experience it unless you take the right steps.

It’s okay. Self-reflect. What are you going to change this year in your life? What do you need to tweak to allow you to step into your personal greatness?

Put up the mirror and take a good, long look. The goal is to LOVE what you see!

Let go and see!


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