Do you have a personal mantra? If so, would you please share it?
My personal mantra?
I deserve to be loved, accepted and have the courage to help others. I also promise to surround myself with like-minded people.
What about you? Do you have a personal mantra?
Deidre Hughey
My mantra to help me make good food choices: “My life expands as my healthful food choices increase.” My personal mantra when I’m feeling overwhelm: “Everything is fine. Today, right now, Everything is fine.”
Sandra, thank you for your input! I think that having a mantra for making healthy food choices is so important and not only makes a difference in our waistline, but for inner peace and healing as well. Thanks again!
I have a few personal mantras. They’re not too original but effective for me:
– What would you do if you felt no fear? (Helps me choose based on love and my goals vs. fearing judgement of others etc.)
– Never give up what you want most for what you want in the moment. (Reminds me what is important when my mood or obstacles distract)
– I am an uplifter. (Helps me remember to always choose kindness and a giving spirit.)
Kathy, I love that you not only have mantras, but that you have a reason for each and can call upon them depending on your current situation. Thanks for sharing!
Mantra? Yes! “Everything that happens benefits me.” Oh, it might be a matter of making lemonade out of lemons, but I prefer to ask for tequila and salt. With my mantra, it’s a foregone conclusion that even though something may seem not so good at the time, it is actually the best thing, because Everything that happens benefits me.
I love it, Jon! Thank you for sharing. It’s so true that much of our experience is wrapped up in our perception of our experience. Thanks!