I think it’s important to practice what you preach.

In my case, I primarily “preach” about having courageous conversations with yourself so you can step into who you’re meant to be. And, in order to help myself to move forward, I’m always reading new inspirational and self-help books, journaling, taking classes, reading inspirational quotes and writing about them, etc. I also challenge myself to accomplish something new in my life on a regular basis.

Over the years, the biggest challenge has been not necessarily been with in the challenges themselves, but rather the head games that I play with myself. And, I would bet that your head games and my head games are similar.

The Voices of Head Games

On one side of your head, there’s a voice that calls out for you to be comfortable, “Take it easy, come on – you’re happy enough. Go ahead and eat that muffin! You deserve it.” Let’s call that voice, “Muffinhead“. On the other side, one that may not seem as strong, is a voice that tells you how great you are, “You’re amazing. You could be so unbelievably happy if you just stepped into your calling. Accept who you are and the greatness that you hold within yourself!” Let’s call her, “Rhapsody“.

When you were a kid, Rhapsody was stronger than Muffinhead. You did things that were scary to do and you challenged yourself all the time. As you got older, and maybe to protect yourself because of the circumstances of life, Muffinhead started making a lot more sense. Muffinhead became a comfortable companion, even if you didn’t always like what Muffinhead had to say, it seemed strangely comforting and true.

Rhapsody is lying in wait for you to acknowledge your power and give her the attention she so desperately deserves. She knows you and wants great things for you in your life. She is you.

Some might call her your Higher Self, your Divine Self…others would say that it’s the Spirit of God within you. It doesn’t matter what you believe it to be called or what your beliefs are. What does matter is that you pay attention to that voice, the voice that wants goodness for you.

My Challenge

I woke up last weekend and realized that there were 88 days until my birthday. 88 days. What was going to make this year different? Then it hit me. I’ve been working with Sandra Sam, a health and wellness consultant to get into shape and I’ve decided to take my objectives to a higher level and push myself. I decided to brush the dust off of my Power90 series (yes, I’ve had it that long) and make the next 88 days, a Power88 stretch.

So, I’ve charted my objectives and started working out a little more intensely. That’s actually an understatement. Honestly, I’m so sore, it’s hard to sit down, let alone standing back up again! But I feel great and I’m ready for the head games. Today is day 86.


Empower You with a Courageous Conversation: Now, I ask you, What are going to challenge yourself this year? Let me know in the comments so I can send some positive thoughts your way! Or join me on Facebook and we can continue the conversation there. My Facebook link is – http://www.facebook.com/deidreannhughey

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