The Voice in Your Gut…What is it telling you?

Over the past several months, I’ve been taking a deep look at how I approach my family, friends, work, and life in general. And I’ve made some changes that I want to tell you about, but first, let me tell you how this came about…

15 years of marriage.

Yep, my husband and I just celebrated on June 15th…and for the first time in our marriage, I was out of town on business for our anniversary. I know! Yuck! But, with time away, it made me think…what have we accomplished in 15 years?

On first glance, quite a bit. In this day and age, there’s quite a bit to be said for 15 years of marriage, most of which has been joyful and full of love and kindness. On top of that, we have two wonderful boys who are at the age of truly discovering themselves and their limits (yep, teenagers…well, 12 & 14, close enough). And yes, I have fabulous friends.

What have I accomplished in work? Well, first of all, I really prefer not to think of it as work, but rather daily sustenance. I used to work in corporate America…and HATED it (I’m just not a corporate gal, kudos to those of you who are!!). Now, I speak all over the country, authored a book, I Am Bound and Determined, working on my second and third books, have a radio show and volunteer for multiple boards.

As I started to think about all that I do on a weekly basis, it hit me. There are too many things that I do (out of goodwill) that take me away from what I think is truly important, rewarding and valuable – serving you. Not that volunteering isn’t important, but I had become “comfortably numb” (thank you, Pink Floyd) in what I was doing.

I feel good about my volunteer work, and I enjoy my radio show…but it’s too much and had overtaken my purpose. I started speaking and writing because I truly believe that I have value to bring to the world and in doing so, it afforded me the time to volunteer. At some point, I volunteered too much and my volunteering became work with little time left over for me, my family and for you…my readers, my clients and listeners.

So, back to the changes.

I have left several board positions and the only board position that I am keeping is my work with HopeLine NC which is a suicide prevention and crisis intervention hotline. I am also leaving my work at the radio station, WCOM. However, I did decide to keep my show, Deidre’s 3 Steps Forward with the format changing drastically…it will be more like a 15 minute show with information directly from me and I will also answer your questions…every week. I’m also revamping my website to be more cheery and with white space! Yeah, white space! Ooooh, and, if you haven’t noticed, I have a new tagline: From Absolute Adversity to Total Triumph, Claim Your Smile Today!


I ask you…is your life comfortably numb? Are there some things that you need to let go of so you can start living your life again to its fullest potential? Take a look and come join me! It’s a beautiful day!

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™

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