If you take a cursory look at being comfortable, it looks benign enough. Being comfortable gives us a sense of being safe and secure. Somewhere deep inside of us, comfort lures us with the sense of “happily ever after”…of eternal peace and bliss.

But, if you keep digging, if you keep watching, learning and listening, you begin to realize it’s all a lie. Comfort has thrown magical stardust on you. You need to wake up from the mysticism of comfort and start living again.

“Deidre, what in the world are you talking about? Being comfortable is a reward…I deserve to be comfortable. I’ve earned it.”

No, doubt. I’m sure you’ve taken your hard knocks. I have no doubt that you feel that you deserve to be comfortable. You’re proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. And, you should be! But this is just where comfort wants us and it wants us to stay.

But staying where you are is not where the “true essence of you” wants you to be. The real you, the you deep inside of you that hasn’t been fully revealed, the you that wants you to try something new, get uncomfortable and see where it takes you! The you that wants you to try new adventures. The you that wants to:

  • lose weight
  • go back to school
  • exercise
  • write a book
  • write a song
  • climb Mt. Everest
  • sing in public
  • run a marathon
  • fall in love

The you that doesn’t wonder how you’re going to accomplish your dreams. The you that thinks nothing is impossible!

Have you been so comfortable in your life that you can’t hear that voice anymore? Or are you still in the process of squashing it every time it cries out to you to make the choice that isn’t comfortable?

If you stay comfortable for too long, you begin to think that life is supposed to be comfortable. And then, the moment you try something that’s not comfortable, comfort quickly gathers it’s strength and firing at all the synapses in your mind, it screams, “You can’t do this! It’s too hard!” We listen and we stop.

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t ever be comfortable. What I am saying is that comfort shouldn’t be your “modus operandi”. Comfort should be where you go after a challenge. Comfort should be where you go to recuperate, to gather strength in order to go after your dreams again. The “true essence” of who you are wants you to go after your dreams.

Don’t let the lie of comfort stop you. You deserve better!

Empower You with a Courageous Conversation: Can you think of ways that you have been deceived by comfort? What are you going to do now?

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™

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