So, here we go.

I began a book project in January of 2009.

Originally, it was going to be a story of lessons learned from my life experiences.

While I thought it would be powerful (no, really, it would)…I thought to myself, “This would be so much more powerful if there were other women that told their stories.”

I contacted HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and submitted the following request:

“My book is about women overcoming and succeeding.  I’m looking for women who experienced personal trauma growing up (abuse, neglect, rape, etc.) but are now living their dream or beyond what they ever imagined!  If this is you, and you’re open to sharing what you have learned along the way, please send me your contact information and I will send you a questionnaire. PLEASE put “Book for Women” in the subject line of your email to”

The request went out on February 4, 2009. Within in the first 24 hours, I had received over 50 responses from women all over the country wishing to participate! (Which, honestly, is both wonderful and sad…) I then sent each and every one of them a questionnaire. Considering the nature of the questions, I wasn’t sure how many would return it. To help to minimize any anguish that the questions may cause, I asked for a deadline date of February 28, 2009.

So what were the questions? Ok. Here they are:

  1. Why are you choosing to participate in this book?
  2. As a child, did you have a dream about the future?
  3. What is the trauma that you have overcome?
  4. Why was this experience debilitating for you?
  5. If you haven’t already, please try to explain your thoughts and hopes about the future as you were experiencing your personal trauma.
  6. What or who is it that helped you to overcome and move in the direction of healing?
  7. What is it about your life right now that is different than you or others expected?  (Please share your feelings and thoughts as well as the “what”.)
  8. If you had the chance to talk to a woman in the throws of what you experienced, what advice would you give her?
  9. What is it that you are most grateful for in your life right now?
  10. Do you have a favorite quote(s)?  If so, would you please share it (them)?
  11. Do you have a personal mantra?  If so, would you please share it?
  12. If you had a magic wand and could alter any part of your past, would you do it?  Why or why not?
  13. Is there a question that I have not asked that you think I should be asking you?
  14. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Yeah. Some of those are a little heavy. Now you understand why I wasn’t expecting all of them to return. But to my surprise, I received a total of 29 filled out questionnaires.

WOW! To be honest, the stories are amazing: brutal, dark, moving, terrifying, touching, inspiring and a testament to the human spirit.

The book is called I Am Bound and Determined and is a testimony to their spirit:

…to the spirit of every individual who has had to bear atrocities

…to the spirit of those who have overcome

…to the spirit of those that still need us to reach back

Let’s reach back together.

I hope you’ll take this journey with me. I want to use this blog and website to share what I’ve learned over the years. What all of us have learned and want to give back.

I hope that the words that I share touch you and move you to give hope to others.

With much warmth, hope and joy…

Let go and see!


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