Music moves you.

In a way that nothing else can…

Wait, I take that back, smell works this way too.

Okay, well, it still holds true that music can bring back an exact memory that includes visual representation, the way something felt, maybe even the significance of a moment. Music can solidify thoughts, encourage your soul and move your heart. Now, maybe it isn’t all of those things for you. (And if not, then you should probably stop reading now. Honestly, this post isn’t going to make any more sense to you than it does right now.)

Now, you, the one that’s still reading…ah, now we’re on a journey together.

I have a particularly eclectic taste when it comes to music. However, I have a special affinity for 60’s and 70’s classic rock and this is usually where I plant my ear. But, this doesn’t always “do it for me”. Sometimes, I want something that comes closer to nourishing my soul. I have been fortunate enough to hear some pretty amazing tunes with lyrics to match.

This is one of my favorites and if you’re still reading, I dare say, it will become one of yours as well.

I love it because not only does it have a wonderfully powerful, soul-seeking beat, it has lyrics that will move you, encourage you to keep moving forward no matter what because other people have made it before you and you’re more amazing than you realize. (I realize that was a run-on sentence, but that’s how it was pouring out of my head.)


It’s Amazing by Jem

“It’s Amazing”

Do it now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And you’re burning and wishing

At first, wait, won’t get it on a plate
You’re gonna work for it harder and harder
And I know ’cause I’ve been there before
Knocking on the doors with rejection (rejection)
And you’ll see ’cause if it’s meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

It’s amazing, it’s amazing all that you can do
It’s amazing, it makes my heart sing
Now it’s up to you

Patience, now, frustration’s in the air
And people who don’t care
Well it’s gonna get you down
And you’ll fall (fall)
Yes you will hit a wall
But get back on your feet
And you’ll be stronger and smarter

And I know ’cause I’ve been there before
Knockin’ down the doors, won’t take “No” for an answer
And you’ll see ’cause if it’s meant to be
Nothing can compare to deserving your dream

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™


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