Most of us want to be treated with respect…oh heck, who am I kidding…we want to be treated special, admired even! Then when we take a moment to step back and look at our own lives, we realize that for the most part, we are surrounded by people who treat us differently than we want.

Sometimes, when we see other people being treated special, we think, “Hey, what’s up with that? I deserve it more than her! If they only knew what she was really like and how special I am!”

Really? Okay, let’s look at the disconnect here…

The Disconnect

If you’re not being treated with respect, love, and well, special, there’s a reason. Typically the reason this happens is that we’re being treated exactly the way we believe we should be treated.

I know, I know, I can hear you now, “Wait a second, Deidre! I don’t think I shouldn’t be treated special.” First of all, I didn’t say think, I said believe.

Think vs. Believe

We grow up developing a personal belief system. Arguably, many people grow up with an impaired view of themselves either from statements engrained in us from our parents, siblings, friends or from situations or circumstances out of our control. While these beliefs may not necessarily be based in truth, we believe them nonetheless. Over time, we get busy with life and try to function using only our thoughts.

The result is that we may think that we want to be treated special, but deep inside, we don’t believe this to be true. If we don’t address the issue, even as we become successful, we feel unfulfilled or undeserving.

Changing Your Belief Systems

You are special! You are deserving! In fact, you deserve even more than you’ve been given. But nothing will change until you take some time out for self-reflection to uncover what you believe about yourself. “Why do that, won’t that just be painful and time-consuming?” Because, we can change the beliefs about ourselves once we uncover them and expose them.

Once you expose what you believe, recognize what is true and what is false, you can change the beliefs that don’t fit by inserting a truth about yourself. By reconstructing and connecting with a belief system that is based on truth, you will think differently, act differently, and people will, in fact, treat you differently. People treat us how we believe we should be treated.

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™

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