If you truly want to make changes in your life, there are all sorts of programs out there to help you and steps that you can take to change and get to where you want to go. Heck, I wrote about it in my book, The BOLD Factor: Goal Setting to Ignite Your Life and Get What You Want! But none of that really matters, if you don’t do this one thing. And no one, and I mean, no one can help you if you don’t. And this is it, you have to stop making excuses in your life.

What’s keeping you from making changes in your life? What’s keeping you from experiencing your life to the fullest? There may be one reason or there may be a lot of reasons. But I know this, at least one of the reasons is that you are making excuses. And every excuse that you make in your life, removes you further and further away from actually experiencing your life the way it’s meant to be.

So take a good look at what your excuses are and instead of finding ways to justify them, find ways to overcome them. You’ll love your life for it!

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Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™


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