Let’s talk about forgiveness.

It’s interesting because I believe that forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. It’s also one of the most difficult gifts to give to yourself.

A lot of times you think, well if I forgive somebody then (an excuse not to), or you know, I can’t forgive somebody because they don’t deserve my forgiveness. Unfortunately, that is such a double edged sword, because if you don’t forgive somebody it continues to pain you. Really, because forgiveness allows you to let go. It’s a gift you give yourself because in forgiving it allows you to move on.

Just let it go – take a look…

Truth Serum Reset Series:
Your Reset Path – Forgiveness Heals You

I know I’m making it sound very simplistic, but in some ways, some of the most difficult things to do are actually the most simple in concept.

So, let go, forgive and love yourself!

Stay tuned for your next Truth Serum Video!

In the comments below, I would love to hear what is keeping you from forgiving somebody in your life.

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™

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