Today, I want to talk about loving who you are right now. Not who you have the potential to become or who you wish you were or your parents wish you were, your friends wish you were…. Whatever! That’s a bunch of hogwash!

Love who you are right now.

Some people have a difficult time with this. But, you’ve overcome things in your life. They don’t have to be big things and maybe they are big things, but you’ve overcome them and you’re here right now. Love yourself for that. Appreciate who you are, what you’ve been through.

Check it out here:

Truth Serum Reset Series:
Your Reset Path – Love Who You Are Right Now

Once you love who you are right now. I mean truly, deeply love who you are right now, it allows you to start looking forward because you’ve stopped looking back.

It’s important to remember where you’ve come from, but you can’t stay there.

Stay tuned for your next Truth Serum Video!

In the comments below, I would love to hear your thoughts about how you’ve learned to love yourself.

Be BOLD and Kick Your “Stuck” to the Curb™

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